We have been asked to put together a package of interventions for the primary school age range – making an extensive range of resources available to differentiate to each child’s individual needs. Suitable for school staff, therapists, counsellors and those supporting young people and their parents.
Our interventions are all written to enable a facilitator to pick up the pack and have all necessary resources and instructions to deliver. Explainers are included to educate/support the facilitator as well as educate parents. Interventions are 6-9 weeks and often additional activities are included to extend beyond the initial framework. Facilitator packs include checklists, recording documents, target setting, evaluations – for both parent and child.
Interventions included are
What Are Emotions?
What Are Emotions Extension Pack
Emotional Regulation, the FACILITATOR Pack
Emotional Regulation, jthe ZONES OF REGULATION VERSION, the FACILITATOR Pack
Zones of Regulation Extension Pack
Supporting the Anxious Child, the FACILITATOR Pack
Taming Your Temper, the FACILITATOR Pack
Friendship Skills
The Roots of Success, a Growth Mindset Pack
Superhero Me, a Self-Esteem Intervention
Social Stories – When I Feel Angry, When I Feel Worried, When It Goes Wrong After School, When I Feel Nervous About Going to School, It is OK to Make Mistakes and Kind Hands and Feet.
Sensory Circuits Activity Pack
All resources are detailed fully in the Resource Store.
When resources are updated they will be automatically added to your account. Updates are announced on social media and via our mailing system.
A secondary pack will be coming soon.