The aim of this workshop for parents / carers is to raise awareness of ASD and how this can impact on individuals with the condition. The session provides an overview of the key characteristics of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, looks at how ASD is diagnosed and considers the wide-ranging needs of individuals with the condition at different ages. It also aims to challenge and highlight assumptions people may have about the condition and crucially, explore the strengths of ASD and celebrate the individuality and wide-ranging achievements of people with the condition. There will be opportunities for Q & A and discussion with handouts providing links and signposting to further information for those that wish to explore further.
Introduction, Notion of neuro-diversity Prevalence / Terminology
Overview of key characteristics of autism
Language and communication
Repetitive behaviours / Special interests
Sensory processing
Theory of mind / mindblindness – The Sally-Anne Test
Complexity of ASD – co-occuring conditions
The changing support needs of individuals with ASD at different ages & stages
Media presentations of ASD, common assumptions & misconceptions
Gender – hidden autism
Strengths of Autism, Challenging limitations
How ASD has changed the world for the better – a focus on the achievements of people with the condition